Privacy Policy (GDPR)


Carrying out its activity, “ХЕРМЕС“ ООД, EIK 124696663, with headquarters and management address: Dobrich 9300, Georgi Kirkov St. №76, processes information, including personal data.
"HERMES" LTD is the owner of the electronic store  и го управлява в съответствие с разпоредбите на Закона за защита на личните данни и свързаната правна уредба, в съответствие с изискванията на Регламент (ЕС) 2016/679 на Европейския парламент и на Съвета от 27 април 2016 г. относно защитата на физическите лица във връзка с обработването на лични данни и относно свободното движение на такива данни и за отмяна на Директива 95/46/EО (GDPR).
This Policy aims to inform you about the way in which we process your personal data in our capacity as an administrator, as well as about your rights.  
"HERMES" LTD  may process your personal data for various reasons depending on the relationship between us and on the basis of applicable legal grounds under privacy laws, such as: legitimate business purposes of "HERMES" LTD, to conclude and/or to fulfill a contract concluded with you, to comply with legal obligations on the part of "HERMES" LTD, as well as with your freely expressed, specific, informed and unequivocal consent to the processing of your data.

What types of personal data does "HERMES" OOD collect and process 

Depending on the specific purpose "HERMES" LTD can process different types of data:

  • Your names, address, e-mail address, delivery address of the goods ordered by you (e.g. for issuing an invoice, warranty card, for courier, when creating a profile, registering on our website, purchasing a product, concluding a contract);
  • Contact details for you (address, telephone, e-mail) - for correspondence, conclusion of a contract, other legal documents;
  • Email address and password – to manage access and identify your account;
  • Payment details and protection of your payment-related data – email address, telephone, billing address, delivery address, information related to payment method, purchase amount and frequency of purchases;
  •  Participation in online research and other marketing activities - various types of information, your names, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, the way you prefer to be contacted, your purchase and search history.

For what activities does HERMES Ltd. collect and process personal data

E-store management activities:

  • Data for the purposes of fulfilling an order/s made from the electronic store of "HERMES" LTD on the basis of the conclusion of a contract;
  • Data for our payment fraud prevention system based on our legitimate interest in protecting the data we control;
  • Accounting and invoicing of purchases/s from the e-store based on our legal obligation to do so; 

Activities to manage your profile on our website:

Data related to managing your access (identification), based on your given consent;

Marketing activities of "HERMES" OOD based on consent:

  • The personal information we collect allows us to keep you informed about our latest products and upcoming events. It helps us improve our services, content and advertising. In case you do not wish to appear on our mailing list, you can unsubscribe at any time by updating your preferences in the profile and on the website;
  • We use personal information because it helps us develop, deliver and improve our products, services, content and advertising;
  • We may periodically use your personal information to send important communications such as notifications about your purchases and changes to our terms, conditions and various policies;
  • We may also use your personal information for internal purposes such as audits, data analysis and research to improve our products, services and customer communications. "HERMES" LTD;
  • Establishing complaints related to products of "HERMES" LTD on the basis of the legitimate interest;
  • Questions and inquiries made to us relating to products based on your consent.

What security measures do we apply to protect personal data

In full compliance with the legal requirements for the protection of personal data, we apply strict organizational and technical security measures, among which:

  • encryption of personal data;
  • measures to ensure ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems;
  • measures to promptly restore availability and access to personal data in the event of a physical or technical incident;
  • regular testing and evaluation of the effectiveness of the measures in order to guarantee the security of the processing.

Personal data protection coordinator:

"Hermes" Ltd
City of Dobrich, 9300, Georgi Kirkov St. No. 76
Phone: 089 220 1241

Personal Data Protection Commission (PCPD)
Sofia 1592, Prof. Blvd. Tsvetan Lazarov" #2

Last update: 03/01/2024

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